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Home >> Cabernet >> 1994 Pahlmeyer Proprietary Red
1994 Pahlmeyer Proprietary Red
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Size=750 ml, RP[96]

"The proprietary red wine made by Pahlmeyer is usually a blend of 75%-80% Cabernet Sauvignon with the balance Cabernet Franc, Merlot, and a tiny quantity of Malbec. The 1994 Proprietary Red Wine exhibits a purple/black color, as well as sweet, integrated tannin, a gorgeous blackcurrant, toast, tar, and licorice-scented nose, fabulous texture, and a 35-45 second finish. The 1994 may be slightly sweeter in the mid-palate than the 1995, but the differences are negligible. The abundant tannin is mostly concealed by the wine's wealth of fruit, glycerin, and alcohol. This wine should drink well from the late nineties through the first two decades of the next century. Very impressive!" - Robert Parker, Wine Advocate #108 (Dec 19, 1996)