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Home >> Burgundy Red >> 2005 Louis Jadot Corton Pougets [Double Magnum - owc]
2005 Louis Jadot Corton Pougets [Double Magnum - owc]
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Size=3L, RP[90-92]

"Jadot’s 2005 Corton Pougets displays luscious plum and black cherry in conjunction with grilled, singed lamb and chalky, alkaline, stony underlying character. Allspice, black pepper and pungent herbal shadings become evident on the palate. This impressively dense, meaty, mineral-laden wine displays polished tannins and persistently clear, ripe bitter-sweet black fruit, leading to a long, firmly gripping finish. Don’t be in any hurry to revisit it, and expect at least a dozen years of interesting development. (A Corton Greves on which I withhold any judgment was awkwardly tart and tannic, having as yet for some reason, said Lardiere, failed to recover from its post-malo racking.)" - David Schildknecht, Wine Advocate #171 (Jun 28, 2007)